Gulab Devi Hospital

A 1500 bed tertiary care hospital is committed to providing care to tuberculosis patients, which includes both adults tuberculosis and childhood tuberculosis. Gulab Devi Hospital will provide an opportunity to interested medical students to perform observership in Out-patient Clinics, understanding and learning about both pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis, presentation, clinical diagnosis and treatment. It also provide ideal settings for learning about diagnosis of extrapulmonary tuberculosis. Students can be part of ongoing research projects to investigate the utility of stool samples to be used as diagnostic sample where sputum is not available. Other facilities that will be available to students are surgery and ward rounds.
Quaid-e-Azam’s visit of Gulab Devi in 1947

“ I visited the Gulab Devi Hospital which is now tending to the refugees on 6th November, 47. Those who are incharge of it viz Doctors, Nurses and others are doing excellent work and deserve our thanks for their selfless devotion to this humanitarian work”.
By Quaid –e- Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah on 06 November, 1947