Strategic Plan

Healthier communities through educational enhancement in public health

Strengthen public health in Pakistan by training next generation of public health leaders in applied public health, translational research and community outreach. 

Strategic Plan

Pakistan has one of the highest reported burdens of communicable and infectious diseases (ID) in the world and the situation is likely to worsen in the coming years. Pakistan is also one of the hardest hit countries by climate change, which has led to an onslaught of communicable diseases like gastroenteritis, pneumococcal pneumonia, and Tuberculosis (TB).

Designing preventive interventions for such diseases requires (a) an in-depth understanding of the local contexts and practices involved in the spread of such infections, and (b) a system to translate this knowledge into designing targeted interventions for lowering the overall disease burden. Major barriers to the development of such programs are the (i) unavailability of an enabling system, and (ii) lack of the critical mass of physician-scientists and basic-science researchers trained in translational research methods required to understand and address the rapidly evolving healthcare needs of the local community. Norway-Pakistan academic Partnership through NORPART aims to develop a structural translational research training program in communicable and non-communicable disease. This program will:

  1. Enhance higher education in Pakistan and Norway through academic cooperation and mutual mobility.
  2. Recalibrate efforts in global health with a major focus on health equity
  3. Create opportunities to transform public health through power for education and research
  4. Develop theoretical skills to understand challenges of global health by designing joint courses with integrate active cross-disciplinary case-based and project based pedagogical approaches.